Structural botany, physiology and biochemistry of plants
The evaluation of the viability of the bacterial cells in dormant (long-stored) cultures Azospirillum brasilense and the renewal of their reproduction in the presence of the protein WGA, a component of root exudates of the host plant, were studied. It was found that for 3.5 years the number of viable A. brasilense cells the culture retained sufficient to resume growth in fresh medium. Azospirilla also not lose viability when persisted under stress conditions. Protein WGA (wheat germ agglutinin) stimulated the reactivation of growth A.
Within two years differing on weather conditions, the structure of a crop of spring soft wheat was studied. Comparison introgression grades and lines with genetically homogeneous grades has shown their approximate similarity on number of lateral shoot. The length of a stalk made on years of vegetation of plants from 469 to 605 mm, length of an ear − from 63 to 90 mm. The share of an ear from length of shoot varied from 10.9 to 14.6 %. The number of cones of an ear on the average for 2 years of studying made from 12.4 to 14.4 pieces.