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Ilyin N. S., Gagarinsky E. L., . . Structure of elements productivity introgression cultivarsand lines of spring soft wheat of the Saratov selection. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 105-?.

633.11: 581.4

Structure of elements productivity introgression cultivarsand lines of spring soft wheat of the Saratov selection


Within two years differing on weather conditions, the structure of a crop of spring soft wheat was studied. Comparison introgression grades and lines with genetically homogeneous grades has shown their approximate similarity on number of lateral shoot. The length of a stalk made on years of vegetation of plants from 469 to 605 mm, length of an ear − from 63 to 90 mm. The share of an ear from length of shoot varied from 10.9 to 14.6 %. The number of cones of an ear on the average for 2 years of studying made from 12.4 to 14.4 pieces. Number caryopsis in an ear reached at different grades from 16 to 39 pieces, number caryopsis in an ear spikelet − from 1.25 to 2.91 pieces. The weight caryopsis essentially varied on years of vegetation of plants − from 23 to 35 mg. Introgression grades and lines of wheat of the Saratov selection differ in comparison with genetically homogeneous grades the big size of a grain yield, that along with their stability to pathogens, including a sheet rust, is defined by high values of length of a stalk, great values of number of spikelets in separate years, a smaller share of spikelets without grain, great values of number caryopsis in an ear spikelet.


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