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The study of new woody plants in Southern Volga uplands

The article discusses the effects of human-controlled florogenesis on stability and development of species composition in trees and shrubs in Southern Volga Uplands.  The possible factors are studied. Based on analysis of various academic resources, it is stated that the research of species composition of new woody plants on the territory in question needs more careful attention. The article demonstrates the data on 86 new woody plants (trees, shrubs, woody vines) in Southern Volga Uplands found to the present date.

The study of Dactylorhiza populations on the left-bank side of the Volga region (the case of Saratov oblast)

The presence of populations of Dactylorhiza Neck. ex Nevski genus on the left-bank side of the Volga region (Saratov oblast) is discussed. The article presents the accounts that have been available from the end of the XIX century to the present date of finding the species of the studied genus on the territory in question. In the course of research the authors of the present article have found D. incarnate (L.) Soo on the territory of Krasnokutskiy and Engelskiy districts of Saratov oblast.

Characteristic of the flora of forest park «Lesnoi» in Engels, Saratov region

The article presents data on the study of the flora of forest Park «Lesnoi» of Engels in Saratov region. It describes the taxonomic structure of the flora. It shows the dominant in number of species families: Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Poaceae. It gives biomorphological characteristics to establish the dominance of annual or perennial herbaceous plants and trees. The characteristic of life forms according to the classification of K. Raunkier is given. It reveals the predominance of phytocenotic structure of flora ruderanty and pratanty.

Flora of man-made forests in the southern Volga upland

Data on the flora of man -made forests in the southern Volga Upland is presented. It is stated that in this type of anthropogenic habitats there are not fewer than 601 species of vascular plants. Various taxonomic and typological elements of the flora of the region in question are examined in terms of tolerance to the man-made forests. Protected species of vascular plants found in this type of anthropogenic biotopes are listed.

On including Eragostis minor and Eragostis pilosa in the list of protected plants of the Lower Volga region

The article discusses the proposal to include Eragostis minor and E. pilosa in the list of protected plants of the Lower Volga region.

New localities of Selitrennoe larch on the territory of Central Russia

The article presents the data on three new localities of Selitrennoe larch (Nitrosalsola laricinum (Pallas) T. A. Feodorova), previously known to be present in the single point on the territory of Central Russia.

On identification of some species of flowering plants on the territory of the Saratov region

The objection is raised against the distortion by Bulany, Y. I. (2015) of the history of the study of vegetation in the Saratov region.

To the problem of growth of Hierochloë odorata (L.) Wahl. (Poaceae) in Saratov region

The article presents information on the presence of Hierochloë odorata (L.) Wahl., Poaceae, in the Saratov region. The place of its growth in this region is described. The phenological and reproductive characteristics of studied population are given.

Tolerance of vascular plants of the Southern volga upland environment of agrocenoses

Report the results of studying the flora of all the main types of agricultural lands in the southern Volga upland (in the Saratov region). Compares the received data with the flora of the region as a whole. Analyse the types of taxonomic and typological elements of the flora of this region is better or worse than presented in the territories occupied by agricultural lands.

Family Chenopodiaceae in the «Summary of the Saratov region flora»

The comments and additions to the family Chenopodiaceae in the «Summary of the Saratov region flora» (2008) are provides.

Picking up Salix pentandra l. in the Herbarium of the Botanical garden of Saratov State University (SARBG)

Instructions for picking up Salix pentandra L. that the herbarium of SARBG has are given in this article.

The location of Bulbocodium versicolor in Saratov region about

The article presents information on the location  Bulbocodium versicolor in the Saratov region (used literature data, the authors of their own fees and charges that are stored in the Herbarium SARBG and SARAT).

Neophytes of natural park «Kumisnaya polyana»

Reports on early results of the study neophytes of natural park «Kumisnaya polyana», located on the outskirts of the city of Saratov.

Preliminary materials on the flora of abandoned irrigation canals

The article presents preliminary materials on the flora of abandoned irrigation canals of Engels district of Saratov region. It gives brief taxonomic, biomorphological, charted and ecological characterization of the flora of abandoned channels.

Astragalus stenoceras – a new aboriginal species of the flora of the middle part of Russia

The information about location the Astragalus stenoceras C.A.Mey. in the vicinity of Saratov is given.

The priority directions about Ceratophyllum tanaiticum on the territory of Saratov region

The information about literary guidance of Ceratophyllum tanaiticum on the territory of Saratov Region is given.

To the question of growing representatives of Pilosella species on the territory of the Left bank of Saratov region

It is reported about localities of Pilosella species on the territory of the left bank of Saratov Region.

The proposal to include Atriplex patula l. in the list of the protected plants of the Lower Volga

An objection to the proposal including Atriplex patula L. in the list of protected plants of the Lower Volga.

Peculiarities of formation and present state of the Botanical garden’s herbarium of the Chelyabinsk State University


Provides information about the history and current status of the Herbarium of the Botanical Garden of the Chelyabinsk State University based on charges of wild and cultivated plants from southern Urals. The Herbarium has about 25000 sheets of vascular plants.

Видовой состав семейства зонтичные (Apiaceae lindl.) на антропогенных местообитаниях Саратовской области

Приводятся данные о видовом составе семейства Зонтичные (Apiaceae Lindl.) на антропогенных местообитаниях Саратовской области.
