гаметофитный апомиксис

Исследование частоты апомиксиса у Salix acutifolia Willd.

В статье представлены результаты цитоэмбриологического исследования и исследования семенной продуктивности у растений популяции Salix acutifolia Willd., произрастающей в окрестностях с. Урицкое Лысогорского р-на Саратовской области. Для данного вида впервые установлен апомиктичный способ размножения.

Apomictic reprodaction way of willows (Salix L.)

During the cytoembriological investigation and the research of seed productivity of the species of Salix L. (Salicaceae), growing in the different areas of Saratov region the ability of gametophyte apomixic was found out in 12 populations of 8 species of willows. This way of seeded reproduction of willows was noticed for the first time.

The research of the apomictic reproduction ability Trollius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev ex Dc and Anemonoides ranunculoides Holub. (Ranunculaceae)

During cytoembryological investigation of Toillius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev. and Anemoides ranunculoides (Ranunculaceae) the features of game- tophyte apomixis was found for the first time. The proporcion of ovules with the features of gametophyte apomixis was maked 16,32±6.12 in Trollius europaeus population, 5.82 ±1.82 in Adonis wolgensis population, 3.22 ±1.13% in Anemoides ranunculoides population.

Parthenocarpy and apomixis of willow species

During the research of seed productivity of 6 willow species growing in Saratov region the ability to the parthenocarpic fruit formation was found out for the first time. Correlation was not found out between the ability of Salix plants to parthenocarpy and the ability of reproduction with the help of gametophyte apomixis.

The quality of pollen and cytoembryological signs of gametophytic apomixis in the populations of Chondrilla l. species the Lower Volga region

It is shown that the plants of the five investigated species (C. juncea, C. graminea, C. ca-nescens, C. brevirostris, C. latifolia) are characterized by a high degree of defectiveness of pollen (60–80%) and the presence of cytoembryological marker signs gametophytic atomixis. This indicates a high probability of their ability to seed reproduction by apomixis. It is established that the frequency of detection of these signs varies significantly among years and between-population level. It is revealed that C.

The Cytoembryological Research of Apomixis Frequency of Chondrilla spesies of Europen Part of Russia

As a result of cytoembryological analysis of megagametophytes of Chondrilla it was found out, that the plants of six species examined (C. juncea, C. graminea, C. canescens, C. brevirostris, C. latifolia and C. acantholepis) are characterised by the ability for seed reproduction by apomixis. It was discoverd that the frequency of disclosure of cytoembryological signs of apomixis considerably varies year by year and on the interpopulation level. C.