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Ugolnikova E. V., Kashin A. S., Kondrateva (Popova) A. O. The Cytoembryological Research of Apomixis Frequency of Chondrilla spesies of Europen Part of Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 96-?.

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The Cytoembryological Research of Apomixis Frequency of Chondrilla spesies of Europen Part of Russia


As a result of cytoembryological analysis of megagametophytes of Chondrilla it was found out, that the plants of six species examined (C. juncea, C. graminea, C. canescens, C. brevirostris, C. latifolia and C. acantholepis) are characterised by the ability for seed reproduction by apomixis. It was discoverd that the frequency of disclosure of cytoembryological signs of apomixis considerably varies year by year and on the interpopulation level. C. ambigua is found to be a gamic species because it is characterised by the lack of megagametophytes with marker signs of apomixis.


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