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Ermolaeva N. N., Kashin A. S. The research of the apomictic reproduction ability Trollius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev ex Dc and Anemonoides ranunculoides Holub. (Ranunculaceae). Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2013, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 184-?.

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The research of the apomictic reproduction ability Trollius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev ex Dc and Anemonoides ranunculoides Holub. (Ranunculaceae)


During cytoembryological investigation of Toillius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev. and Anemoides ranunculoides (Ranunculaceae) the features of game- tophyte apomixis was found for the first time. The proporcion of ovules with the features of gametophyte apomixis was maked 16,32±6.12 in Trollius europaeus population, 5.82 ±1.82 in Adonis wolgensis population, 3.22 ±1.13% in Anemoides ranunculoides population.


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