The introduction of plants and botanical resource research

Questions of vegetative reproduction of some grandes of peоny hybrid

Article is devoted studying of features of vegetative reproduction of some grades of a peony hybrid by green shanks. Positive influence of synthetic regulators of growth (kornevin and ukorenit) on development of root system of shanks instead.

The plant introduction of Phlox paniculata under the climatic condition of Lover Volga region

The advanced data are presented about shoot-forminq capacity of Phlox paniculata's cultivars, The observation of the growth, development and the persistence of Phlox paniculata's cultivars under the extremal hot vegetation condition of the year 2010 let to select the most stable cultivars.

Introduction of sweet (vegetable) corn in the Lower Volga rеgion

The article presents the results of sweet corn research in the  Lower  Volga region, sample grades that differ in useful economic properties and also article shows description of the sorts which are accept to usage.

Emergence of seeds of dsecorative species of Salvia L. GTNUS

Emergence of seeds of decorative species of Salvia L. genius. Popular decorative annual plants as S. splendens, S. coccinea, S. farinacea, S. viridis are grown at the Saratov Botanical Garden`s collection since 2001 year. The dates that are used for the characterization of the quality of seeds are: germination capacity, energy of growth, the speed of emergence, also the strength, swelling and emergence of seeds. That are depends on the kind of species. Germinate`s development goes rapidly after 4 days.

Duration of preservation of maize seed viability – an initial material by selection on parthenogenesis

Maize seeds using for selection on parthenogenesis, it is possible to store within 5–7 years in paper packages in usual laboratory conditions with preservation of germination that is sufficient достаточный for reproduction and even for carrying out of scientific and applied works. Different lines and hybrids could differ essentially among percent of germination. Seed germination after 10 years storage is not observed.

The introduction оf different varieties of annual lupin to Mordovia region

People have been practicing the geographical spreading of plants for many centuries. It helps to use fully their  potential. The theoretical base for the introduction of cultivated crops from one natural zone to another was elaborated by N. I. Vavilov with the using of the genetic diversity of primary and secondary genetic centers. His ideas were later developed in the works of N. A. Basilevskaja and in reference to lupin in the works of   N. A. Maisurjan, A. I. Atabecova, V. I. Golovchenko, N. F. Sanaev and others.

Features of germination of seeds Salvia verticillata L. in vitro

Results of laboratory researches of features of germination of seeds of Salvia verticillata, collected in the collection plants.

Aristolochia durior Hill. in the arboretum collection of the Educational Scientific Centre «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University

New information about first results of introduction of Aristolochia durior Hill.  in the conditions of Saratov is given.

The morphogenesis ways of leaf explants in certain petunias hybrids in culture

The morphogenesis peculiarities and the introduction possibility of nine double and nondouble hybrids F1 of Petunia  grandiflora  in  vitro  culture  were  studied.  The culture media composition for induction of regeneration processes has been determined.

Study of growth indicators corms hybrid gladiolus

Change in the diameter of gladiolus corns hybrid - increase - is considered an important indicator of varieties, reflecting the ability to quickly obtain high- quality planting material. Was a defined resizing corm into one growing season, the ratio of height to the diameter of corms.
