The introduction of plants and botanical resource research

Protected plant species Saratov region in the department’s collections of flora and vegetation Educational and Scientific Center «Botanical Garden»

The paper presents an annotated list of species included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Saratov region and growing in the educational and scientific center «Botanical Garden», Saratov State University. NG Chernyshevsky.

Introduction and reproduction of the genus Heuchera in Bashkortostan

Work is devoted to the study of phenological rhythm and seed breeding six species Heuchera L. It is shown that the highest percentage of germination was observed in H. pubescens, H. rubescens – by 80% and H. villosa – 70%, the lowest – in H. chlo-rantha – 6%. The positive responsiveness H. chlorantha, H. parvifolia, H. pubescens, H. villosa processing plant growth regulators.

Some results of the cultivar ipomoea purpurea research while the introduction under the conditions of the Lower Volga region

There are presented the results of the climb annual lianas researches at the Botanical Garden of the Saratov State University for several years in this article. Morphometric parameters were studied: length of the metamere, number of leaves, number of shoots, flowers, the sizes of the limb and the diameter of the flower, leaf area of plants; the ratio of leaf area per unit of phytomass. Studied cultivars of ipomoea recommended for vertical gardening in the conditions of Saratov.

Features fenoritma Althaea officinalis l. in the Botanical garden SSU

The results of phenological observations of plant collectors marshmallow in a botanical garden of introduction section of Saratov State University. According to the results of 26-years of follow-calculated the average date of occurrence of phenological phases for the city of Saratov.

Influence kornestimulyatorov rooting softwood cuttings Rosa × hybrida different garden groups

The paper presents the results of studies on the degree of rooting green cuttings Rosa х hybrida various garden groups treated with stimulants rooting.

Structure variability of some morphological parameters glandular sage (Salvia glutinosa l.) in the Botanic garden

The results of the study of morphometric parameters sage glandular of Salvia glutinosa L. Four groups of system indicators. Most signs are stable; the number of side branches, the number of escapes. In the increasingly varied indicators such as the length of the inflorescence, the length of the stem leaves.

Фитохимический анализ травы лапчатки серебристой Potentilla argentea L., произрастающей в п. Чардым Саратовской области

Фитохимический анализ показал присутствие в траве Potentilla argentea L. флавоноидов, дубильных веществ, полисахаридов, тритерпеновых сапонинов. Были сняты УФ-спектры извлечений из травы лапчатки серебристой. Обнаружен максимум поглощения при длине волны 400 нм.

Перспективы использования извлечений из очитка пурпурного (Sedum telephium L.) при разработке средств с антимикробной активностью

Изучена  антимикробная  активность  свежего  сока,  отвара,  спиртового и водно-спиртового экстрактов из надземной части S. telephium L. в отношении Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538Р, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27835, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Определена концентрация флавоноидов во всех четырех типах извлечений. Установлено, что спиртовой экстракт обладает наибольшей активностью в отношении взятых в эксперимент тест‑культур микроорганизмов.

Изучение антимикробной активности водного раствора спиртового экстракта травы одуванчика лекарственного (Taraxacum officinale wigg.)

Установлены антимикробные и бактерицидные свойства водного раствора спиртового экстракта травы одуванчика лекарственного Taraxacum оfficinale Wigg. на стандартные штаммы микроорганизмов Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538Р, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27835, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922.

Introduction experience of coral tree ( Howenia dultis Thunb.) in the open ground in Saratov region

The article presents the first experience of introduction of coral tree (Howenia dultis Thunb) in the open ground in the Saratov region.
