Ecology of plants and geobotany

Pollen anomalies in scots pine under different ecological conditions

Pollen anomalies in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were studied under different ecological conditions. The results obtained testified to an adverse effect of technogenic pollution on the grain quality in Scots pine. The comparison of anomaly/fertility values using χ2-criterion revealed the significant differences between the test plots located under contrasting ecological conditions. The cytological method applied is considered as a very sensitive one for the assessment of the influence of unfavorable factors on Scots pine ecosystems.

Broad-leaved forests of South Urals Reserve (distribution and structure characteristics)

Data on the phytocenosis distribution and structure and the stands of trees composition of some associations of broad-leaved forests of South Urals Reserve are presented.

The morfological chacteristics of fruits and seeds of the South-ural Oxitropis uralensis(L.) Dc. species

A comparative analysis of morphometric characteristics of Oxytropis uralensis fruits and seeds from natural populations of the South Ural was conducted. There  was no a significant differences in the value of the coefficient of variation between the populations. However the studied populations of O. uralensis have significant differences between lenth of stem, thickness of fruit, width of abdominal and spinal partition, seeds width and thousand seed mass.

Influence of conditions of cultivation and preseeding processing on the productive kustistost of spring-sown weak field

Are cited data about influence of the microbiological preparations containing roststimulirnyushchy rizobakteriya, on efficiency of plants of spring-sown weak field. Good results are received at wheat cultivation in stressful conditions. At a slight deviation of climatic conditions from norm, positive influence of bacteriemic preparations on increase in a sign «the productive kustistost» statistically is not confirmed.

Characteristic of plant associations with the big stonecrop (Sedum maximum L.) in the Saratov region

8 associations with Sedum maximum from different districts of Saratov region were studied. 76 species, 64 genera, 22 families of vascular plants were found. It was established, that associations are different in general among themselves. In the researched associations permanent herbs prevail.

Vitality state cenopopulations of Hypericum perforatum in Saratov region

In this article authors write about the vital structure ofpopulations H. perforatum in the Saratov region. According to vitality of investigated cenopopulations most of them belong to prosperous type. Vitality of cenopopulations is retrogressing in the following range habitats: anthropogenic transformed - forest glades and forest edges - steppe -forest. On vital status of individuals influence weather conditions. The maximum decline in vitality occurred in populations of steppe habitats, and the minimum - on abandoned arable land, surrounded by forest plantations.

Hidrophilic plants of river Medvedica and their relation with phytophylous chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae)

Seven species of macrophytes (Sagittaria sagittifolia L., Sparganium erectum L., Typha angustifolia L., Butomus umbellatus L., Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla, Eleocharispalustris (L.) R. Br., Glyceria arundinaceae Kunth) were detected in Medvedica river, live tissues of which are populated by chironomids larvae. The most populated macrophyte is Sagitaria sagitifolia - 2298,65 ex/kg.

Quality of Oxytropis spicata (Pall.) O. et B. Fedtsch. (Fabaceae) seeds from natural populations

Data on the study of laboratory germination of endemic species Oxytropis spicata (Fabaceae) seeds collected in 7 populations of the Bashkortostan Republic and Orenburg region are presented.

Ontogenesis and structure of tsenopopulation of the yarrow noble (Achillea nobilis L.) in the conditions of the Saratov region

Are submitted data on research of an ontogenesis and structure of a tsenopop- ulyation of Achillea nobilis L. in the conditions of the Saratov region.

Effects presowing seeds spring wheat

Are cited data about influence of the microbiological preparations containing roststimuliruyushchy rizobakteriya, on efficiency of plants of spring-sown weak field. Good results are received at wheat cultivation in stressful conditions. At a slight deviation of climatic conditions from norm, positive influence of bacteriemic preparations on increase in a sign «the productive kustistost» statistically is not confirmed.
