Cite this article as:
Starichkova N. I., Zlobina L. N. Influence of conditions of cultivation and preseeding processing on the productive kustistost of spring-sown weak field. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2013, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 93-?.
Influence of conditions of cultivation and preseeding processing on the productive kustistost of spring-sown weak field
Are cited data about influence of the microbiological preparations containing roststimulirnyushchy rizobakteriya, on efficiency of plants of spring-sown weak field. Good results are received at wheat cultivation in stressful conditions. At a slight deviation of climatic conditions from norm, positive influence of bacteriemic preparations on increase in a sign «the productive kustistost» statistically is not confirmed.
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