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Arslanova L. R., Maslova N. V. The morfological chacteristics of fruits and seeds of the South-ural Oxitropis uralensis(L.) Dc. species. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2012, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 32-?.


The morfological chacteristics of fruits and seeds of the South-ural Oxitropis uralensis(L.) Dc. species


A comparative analysis of morphometric characteristics of Oxytropis uralensis fruits and seeds from natural populations of the South Ural was conducted. There  was no a significant differences in the value of the coefficient of variation between the populations. However the studied populations of O. uralensis have significant differences between lenth of stem, thickness of fruit, width of abdominal and spinal partition, seeds width and thousand seed mass.


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