Ecology of plants and geobotany

Distribution of broomrape qom and blednocvetkovoj in crops of sunflower broomrape and related weeds in the Saratov region

The review of a condition of a problem in the last century is resulted. The distributions broomrape in the Saratov area for last 12 years on sunflower and weeds in sunflower crops was is studied. The dependence of widespread and intensity of severity broomrape from structure of areas under crops and expansion  of its racial and specific structure is shown.

The diversity of the steppes of the Southern part of the Right bank of Saratov region

The features of the steppe vegetation in the southern part of the right bank of Saratov region. Studied and described the types of steppes and variations found on the site, showing their floristic composition and cenoticheskoe variety.

К семенному возобновлению Сalophaca wolgarica (l. fil.) dc.) в естественных ценопопуляциях Волгоградской области

Описаны морфология и окраска семян Calophaca wolgarica (L. fil.) DC.). Определены размеры семян, масса 1000 шт. семян, семенная продуктивность растений, лабораторная всхожесть и энергия прорастания семян, собранных в природных популяцияx на территории Волгоградской области.

Прошлое и современное распространение сосновых лесов на Южном Урале и в Башкирском Предуралье

По литературным источникам кратко охарактеризованы история распространения и современная пространственная структура ареала сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) на Южном Урале и в Башкирском Предуралье. Указаны основные области распространения сосновых лесов, различающиеся историей становления, географическим положением и лесоводственными особенностями.В пределах каждой такой области выделены отдельные районы обитания вида. 

The status of the population Adonis wolgensis in the Saratov region

Studied two cenopopulation Adonis wolgensis Stev. ex DC. from Marx and Pug-achev districts of the Saratov region. The measured morphological characteristics of the individuals, defined: variability, spatial structure and ontogenetic range of populations, type of populations on the criterion of «Δ – ω».

Features of seed reproduction of Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr. in natural populations

It was found that real seed productivity of Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr. in natural populations of the Saratov region is up to 82%. Seed germination under laboratory conditions is rather high (93–100%), however, the damaging effect of phytophagous insects has a negative impact on seed regeneration in some populations.

Seed regeneration in some populations of Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker-Gawl.) Spreng. in Saratov region

The article presents the results of the study of age structure and density of natural populations of Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker-Gawl.) Spreng. in the Saratov region. The populations of B. versicolor show internal density fluctuations, and differences in density may be 2–5-fold in some years. It was found that the majority of the studied populations of B. versicolor are either juvenile or in the transition from the juvenile stage to maturity and vice versa. Only one population is mature.

Characteristics of reproductive features Hedysarum grandiflorum (Fabaceae) in southern of the Volga Uplands

In field seasons 2007–2014 studies have been conducted reproductive scope Hedysarum grandiflorum which grows in the southern of the Volga Upland within the administrative borders of the Saratov region. The features, variability and the plasticity of phytocoenotic external morphological characters of pollen, fruits and seeds of sweetvetch are studied. Potential and real seed productivity are identified. The optimal temperature of sprouting of seeds and the dependence of sprouting and energy of sprouting of seeds from the keeping period are detected.

The host-plant relationships of casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Сoleophoridae) in family Polygonaceae on the territory of Volga-Ural Region

Presented the taxa distribution of the family Polygonaceae species and the casebearer moths (Coleophoridae) on the basis of their host-plant relationships from the territory of the Volga-Ural region. In total were noted 8 species of casebearers with specialization on Polygonaceae. For buckwheat is noted the unique fauna of Coleophoridae which are mostly narrow oligophages, basically is based by tribe Augasmini (genus Augasma, Papyrosipha and Dumitrescumia). The casebearer moths from genus Ecebalia (tribe Casignetellini) for buckwheat − secondary.
