
Warning message

Changes in the spectral characteristics of the tissues of shoot phytomers in the wheat ontogenesis

Цитофотометрическим методом исследовались оптические свойства тканей эпикотиля, узла колосонесущего междоузлия и колосонесущее междоузлие яровой мягкой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.). Оценивалась спектральная характеристика осевого пропускания света области от 380 до 750 нм паренхимой, тканями проводящего пучка, колленхимой и склеренхимой. Установлена тканевая специфичность оптических свойств разных анатомических структур и их изменение в ходе онтогенеза. Эпикотиль в фенофазу отгиба 4-го листа в паренхиме коры имеет небольшую область поглощения при 430 и 450 нм.

The influence of rootstock on the growth and development of the shoot part yearlings saplings pear

The paper presents the results of studying the influence of five local rootstocks differing life form and degree of development of the tissues of the stem, on the growth and development of the cane part yearlings pears.

Anatomy of the stalk of shoot Populus nervirubens Alb.

The anatomy of a stalk of annual runaway Populus nervirubens Alb was studied. Specific features of anatomy of a core, xylem and phloem a poplar are established. It is revealed two types of cages in the centre of a core and variety of cages in a zone adjoining with xylem. Sieve elements phloem have a kernel. Presence of cytoplasm, kernels and a time of a cellular wall in phloem fibres and sklereid is noted. Fibres settle down groups with various number of separate fibres in groups. Between fibres presence intercellular space is revealed.

Structure of elements productivity introgression cultivarsand lines of spring soft wheat of the Saratov selection

Within two years differing on weather conditions, the structure of a crop of spring soft wheat was studied. Comparison introgression grades and lines with genetically homogeneous grades has shown their approximate similarity on number of lateral shoot. The length of a stalk made on years of vegetation of plants from 469 to 605 mm, length of an ear − from 63 to 90 mm. The share of an ear from length of shoot varied from 10.9 to 14.6 %. The number of cones of an ear on the average for 2 years of studying made from 12.4 to 14.4 pieces.