germination of seeds

Features of germination of seeds of the bennet aleppsky in vitro

It is established that bennet seeds keep ability to germination within 6,5 years. After a bookmark on seeds start to sprout on the average in 8 days (fresh faster,      old more slowly). Term of the account of energy of germination should be accepted  for 3 days. Duration of germination fluctuates from 3 days (at fresh seeds) to 50 (at old). Energy of germination and germination are maximum (100 %) at fresh seeds. Gradually decreasing with increase in a period of storage in 4,5 years vigor of germination, and later 7,5 years and germination vanishes.

Features of germination of seeds of the Sсutellaria baicalensis

Features of germination of seeds Scutellaria baicalensis are studied at influence of the lowered temperatures (5–10 °С) and in room conditions (22–25 °С, natural illumination). Investigated germination of seeds depending on: month of harvesting; a period of storage of seeds; month of a bookmark of seeds on germination. Are established: term of the account of energy of germination, energy of germination and germinating ability seeds.

Features of germination of seeds Salvia verticillata L. in vitro

Results of laboratory researches of features of germination of seeds of Salvia verticillata, collected in the collection plants.

Seed reproduction Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. and Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.

In article results of the laboratory studies Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. seeds and Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill. is reported. Installed seed productivity, weight of 1000 seeds and germinating capacity of seeds shots collected in natural populations, as well as with the collection of plants of the Botanical garden.