Cite this article as:

Shilova I. V. To seed reproduction Veronica officinalis L. in the conditions of culture. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2012, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 146-?.

581.543.6 : 581.48 : 631.531.1(031)

To seed reproduction Veronica officinalis L. in the conditions of culture


At seeds Veronica officinalis in vitro, the period from the moment of a bookmark of seeds prior to the beginning of their germination on the average makes 7 days, duration of germination – 8 days, the minimum term of germination of a great bulk of seeds – 4 days. And germination (94%) possessed the greatest energy of germination (89%) seeds from boxes of the top circle of inflorescences, and the least indicators seeds from the bottom circle differed, but this difference is insignificant. Preliminary stratification and absence of light at germination raise germination seeds very little, that is for germination of its seeds it is not required any preliminary processing and special light conditions. Seeds Veronica officinalis are capable to keep germination at level of 100% more than 7 years.



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