Cite this article as:

Shilova I. V., Ivanova E. V., Gladilina T. Y. Features of germination of seeds of the bennet aleppsky in vitro. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2012, vol. 10, iss. 1, pp. 163-?.

581.543.6 : 581.48 : 631.531.1(031)

Features of germination of seeds of the bennet aleppsky in vitro


It is established that bennet seeds keep ability to germination within 6,5 years. After a bookmark on seeds start to sprout on the average in 8 days (fresh faster,      old more slowly). Term of the account of energy of germination should be accepted  for 3 days. Duration of germination fluctuates from 3 days (at fresh seeds) to 50 (at old). Energy of germination and germination are maximum (100 %) at fresh seeds. Gradually decreasing with increase in a period of storage in 4,5 years vigor of germination, and later 7,5 years and germination vanishes. Cold stratification doesn’t improve germination.


Растительные ресурсы СССР: Цветковые растения, их химический состав, использование. Семейства Hydrangeaceae – Haloragaceae. Л. : Просвещение, 1987. Т. 3. С. 50.

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