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Mature embryo culture diploid and tetraploid forms of maize

The results of the culture of mature embryos of diploid and tetraploid forms of maize are presented. The 9 variants of culture medium with different amounts of 2,4-D and sucrose are tested. The possibility of creating morphogenic callus strains from donors with a predisposition to parthenogenesis in vivo.


Pollen-ovule ratios in cereals with different mode of reproduction

The article presents the results of studying of pollen-ovules ratios (P/O), the quality and size of the pollen in wild cereals with different mode of reproduction (sexual: Alopecurus pratensis L., Elymus caninus L., Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br., Poa annua L., Zerna riparia (Rehm.) Nevski; facultative apomict: Dactilis glomerata L., Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers., Festuca valesiaca Schleich.

Cytoembryological studying of triploid plants of maize

Structure peculiarity of embryo sacs and pollen of hybrid triploid plants in maize was investigated. It is shown first of all that triploid level of the studied plants is the bottom of abnormal gametophytes development. It is supposed that some specific changes can be caused by present of the parthenogenetic line AT-1 genome. This line was used as a pollinator by triploid plants creating.

The quality of pollen and cytoembryological signs of gametophytic apomixis in the populations of Chondrilla l. species the Lower Volga region

It is shown that the plants of the five investigated species (C. juncea, C. graminea, C. ca-nescens, C. brevirostris, C. latifolia) are characterized by a high degree of defectiveness of pollen (60–80%) and the presence of cytoembryological marker signs gametophytic atomixis. This indicates a high probability of their ability to seed reproduction by apomixis. It is established that the frequency of detection of these signs varies significantly among years and between-population level. It is revealed that C.

Preparation regenerants Potentilla volgarica Juz. (Rosaceae) for landing from in vitro culture under natural conditions

Plantlets of P. volgarica were obtained in culture in vitro. It is established that rooting was induced on a half-diluted hormone-free medium or supplemented IAA 0.05 mg/L. In vitro rooted plantlets of P. volgarica acclimatized ex vitro  in peat substrate mixed with chalk, vermiculite and a drainage layer of expanded clay. After acclimatization plants were successfully transplanted to natural conditions.

Parthenocarpy and apomixis of willow species

During the research of seed productivity of 6 willow species growing in Saratov region the ability to the parthenocarpic fruit formation was found out for the first time. Correlation was not found out between the ability of Salix plants to parthenocarpy and the ability of reproduction with the help of gametophyte apomixis.

Aposporiy in representatives of the genus Koeleria Pers.

The article presents the results of cytoembryological analysis of two cereal species: Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. и K. sabuletorum (Domin) Klok. It was found that in the plants of both species many ovules (23 and 30%, respectively) contain from 2 to 5 megagametophytes. In the ovules the multiple embryo sacs were on the same or different development stage. In the nuccelus of some ovules near the embryo sac the big cells could also be observed. The morphology of these cells liked to initial cells of aposporous embryo sacs.

The research of the apomictic reproduction ability Trollius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev ex Dc and Anemonoides ranunculoides Holub. (Ranunculaceae)

During cytoembryological investigation of Toillius europaeus L., Adonis wolgensis Stev. and Anemoides ranunculoides (Ranunculaceae) the features of game- tophyte apomixis was found for the first time. The proporcion of ovules with the features of gametophyte apomixis was maked 16,32±6.12 in Trollius europaeus population, 5.82 ±1.82 in Adonis wolgensis population, 3.22 ±1.13% in Anemoides ranunculoides population.

Apomictic reprodaction way of willows (Salix L.)

During the cytoembriological investigation and the research of seed productivity of the species of Salix L. (Salicaceae), growing in the different areas of Saratov region the ability of gametophyte apomixic was found out in 12 populations of 8 species of willows. This way of seeded reproduction of willows was noticed for the first time.

Apomictic species in genus Hierochloё R. Br.

The article is dedicated to cytoembryology investigation of two cereals species: HierochO glabra (two populations from Kamchatka) and H. repens (one population from Lower Volga region). The plants of these populations are characterized by high frequency of ovules with few (2-4) megagametophytes (5,7; 8,6 и 25%, respectively). This point to the apoarhespory - development of unreduced embryo sacs from somatic nucellus cells.

Comparative analis of karyotypes of the South-ural Oxytropis DS. species

A karyological study of a chromosome sets structures of seven of the seventeen species of the Oxytropis DC. from natural populations of the South Ural was conducted. There were revealed both interspecific and intraspecific similarities and differences on the chromosome sets structures and the feature of their morphology between the examined species. These results are of interest for further discussion of issues related to taxonomy and evolution of the genus Oxytropis DC.

Research of gametophyte apomixic frequency of Fabaceae family species of Saratov region

During the cytoembriological investigation of the species of Fabaceae family, growing in the different areas of Saratov region the ability of gametophyte apomixic was found out of 4 species of Fabaceae. This way of reproduction of Fabaceae family was noticed for the first time.

Database «Apomicts»

The article describes the possibility of accumulation of empirical data storage and database management «Аpomicts» as an example to study the ability of apomictic reproduction in representatives of the family  Asteraceae.

The distribution of gametophytic apomixis among the Asteraceae spesies from European part of Russia

In a course of investigation of seed productivity under the pollenless regime of flowering and cytogenetic investigation in 250 natural populations of 167 species of 62 the Asteraceae genera from European part of Russia gametophytic apomixis has been discovered in populations of 37 species from 20 genera. For the first time this mode of reproduction has been revealed in 26 species from 10  genera.

The peculiarities of seeded reprodaction of some species of Salicaceae family

During the cytoembriological investigation and the research of seed productivity of the species of Sаlicaceae family, growing in the different areas of Saratov region  the ability of gametophyte apomixic was found out in 5 populations of 5 species of willows. This way of seeded reproduction of Sаlicaceae family was noticed for the first time.

Изучение размеров и морфологии пыльцы у кукурузы и Tripsacum dactyloides L.

Исследовались размеры и морфология пыльцы в связи с проблемой партеногенеза у кукурузы и его апомиктичного сородича трипсакума. Установлено, что диагностика партеногенеза у кукурузы и трипсакума по размерам и степени дефектности пыльцы затруднительна или даже невозможна.

Сравнительный анализ кариотипов близкородственных видов рода остролодочник (Oxytropis DC.)

Проведено кариологическое исследование четырех видов рода Oxytropis DC.: O. gmelinii Fisch. еx Boriss., О. approximata Less., О. hippolyti Boriss., O. sordida (Willd.) Pers. из природных популяций Южного Урала. Установлено, что число хромосом у исследованных видов 2n = 48; для O. gmelinii и О. hippolyti характерны хромосомы метацентрического и субметацентрического типов, для O. approximata и O. sordidaтолько метацентрического типа.

Угасание эффекта стимуляции митотической активности меристем при увеличении сроков хранения сухих семян после экспозиции в низкочастотном магнитном поле

После воздействия магнитного поля с частотой 6 Гц и индукцией 25 мТл в течение 1 часа на сухие семена сорго, кукурузы, подсолнечника и укропа наблюдается повышение митотической активности апикальных корневых меристем проростков. Отмечено проявление этого эффекта при хранении сухих семян в течение 3 суток после воздействия. Этот эффект угасает и исчезает при более длительном хранении.

О возможности отбора многозародышевых зерновок у кукурузы

Показана возможность отбора близнецов в зерновках до их проращивания.
