Kritskaya Tatiyana Alekseevna RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya, Author's articles Morphological and genetical variability in populations of Chondrilla L. (Asteraceae) in European Russia Features of the introduction of two Tamarix species to the culture in vitro Improving the efficiency of Allium regelianum A. Becker clonal micropropagation Preparation regenerants Potentilla volgarica Juz. (Rosaceae) for landing from in vitro culture under natural conditions The use of clonal micropropagation for mass prodaction of planting material of ornamental and fruit crops in the Botanical garden of Saratov State University Впечатление о XIV Съезде Русского ботанического общества On species identification of Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) herbarium specimens gathered in the Lower Volga region and the adjacent territories