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Влияние комплексных препаратов на рост и развитие сеянцев туи корейской (Thuja koraiensis Nakai.)

Сообщается о влиянии комплексных препаратов на развитие сеянцев туи корейской.

Introduction experience of custard apple (Asimina triloba (L.) Dun.) in the open ground in Saratov region

The report about the first introduction experience of custard apple (Asimina triloba (L.) Dun.) in the open ground is made.

First results of western plain (Platanus occidentalis L.) introduction in Saratov region

The data about the first results of western plane (Platanus occidentalis L.) introduction in Saratov region is given.

The use of clonal micropropagation for mass prodaction of planting material of ornamental and fruit crops in the Botanical garden of Saratov State University

There are 29 varieties of 14 species of 3 families introduced in the in vitro culture. It is optimized conditions of the sterilization of the explants, the composition of the culture media at the stages of explantation, microreproduction and rooting for the each varieties/species of plants. The generation of planting material of this forms of plants brought to the stage to the making a small series prodaction.

Features of seed germination of Salvia tesquicola Klok. & Pobed in vitro

Results the data of laboratory studies of seed germination characteristics of Salvia tesquicola. Seeds was taken from collectional plants. Was found that the seeds germinated very slowly, meaning of germination was low and amounted the 22-24% for seeds from one to 6.5 years storage. With increasing of storage time to 8,5 years the meaning of germination reduced to 1%, and further seeds losed their ability to germinate. Seeds germinated in 5 days. The duration of the germination average was 6 days. Seed treatment by oxygen produced no results.

Rosa hybrida diseases in Lower Volga the control measures of them

There are the results of the disease’s development examination for the collection of roses at the climatic conditions development examination for the collections of roses at the climatic conditions of Lower Volga region in the article. The measures of disease’s cancellation are offered.

The examination of lilies bulbs productivity and rhythm of development at the Lover Volga region

The results of studing of biological net reproduction, reproductive energy, development rhythm, resistance to diseases for some cultivars of lilies from the division of Asian cross- breeds are presented in this article. Appreciable varieties are distinguished.

Features of seed germination of Prunella grandiflora (L.) Scholl. in vitro

Results the data of laboratory studies of seed germination characteristics of Prunella grandiflora. Seeds was collected on extending 12 years. Highest index of seed germination was fixed for fresh seeds at indoor temperature. Stratification at low temperature and hormonal stimulation of fresh seeds produced no positive results.

Preliminary results of introduction of wild plants for the aim of feed

The article contains the results on the growing and introduction of wild plants, harvested in different areas of the former Soviet Union. These plants were examined for the improvement of hayfields, pastures and battered agricultural lands. The preliminary conclusion is that plants tested have the economical significance.

Winter hardiness of representatives of Hydrangea L. genus Botanical garten-institute of Ufa

The results of many years observations on winter hardiness of 19 introduced species and cultivars of Hydrangea L. in collection of Botanical Garden - Institute are presented in the paper. It is determined that 14 taxons are characterized by high winter hardiness and may be successfully used in landscaping under the conditions of Bashkir Cis-Urals (Ufa).

Study of the amino acid and elemental composition of plant material some kind Paeonia L.

The paper presents the material for the study of amino acids, macro and micro nutrients in the roots, flowers, leaves and stems of some species of the genus Paeonia L.

Natural seed regeneration of maples under the condition of introduction in Bashkir Cis-Urals

Twelve taxons of Acer L. of different geographic origin are capable to either extent natural seed self-regeneration. Such species as А. platanoides L., A. ginnala Maxim., A. campestre L. and A. tataricum L. which produce mass and mean quantity of self-seeding and regrowth can form local introduction populations.

Citrus limon (L.) Burrm. introduction in the conditions of the greenhouse and recommendation of reproduction by the inoculation method

In article successful cultivation and reproduction of a lemon (Citrus limon (L.) Burrm.) at an introduction in the conditions of a greenhouse are shown. At grafting reproduction with use of physiologically active agents optimum terms of grafting (January, April) and the contents in summertime on an open ground it was successful. For mass reproduction methods on an inoculation of a lemon of a grade «Pavlovsky» are offered and developed.

About the goldenrain tree flowering in the Botanical garden of Saratov State University

The report about the first flowering of Goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.) in the open ground in the Btanical garden of Saratov State University is made.

Study of growth indicators corms hybrid gladiolus

Change in the diameter of gladiolus corns hybrid - increase - is considered an important indicator of varieties, reflecting the ability to quickly obtain high- quality planting material. Was a defined resizing corm into one growing season, the ratio of height to the diameter of corms.

The morphogenesis ways of leaf explants in certain petunias hybrids in culture

The morphogenesis peculiarities and the introduction possibility of nine double and nondouble hybrids F1 of Petunia  grandiflora  in  vitro  culture  were  studied.  The culture media composition for induction of regeneration processes has been determined.

Aristolochia durior Hill. in the arboretum collection of the Educational Scientific Centre «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University

New information about first results of introduction of Aristolochia durior Hill.  in the conditions of Saratov is given.

Features of germination of seeds Salvia verticillata L. in vitro

Results of laboratory researches of features of germination of seeds of Salvia verticillata, collected in the collection plants.

The introduction оf different varieties of annual lupin to Mordovia region

People have been practicing the geographical spreading of plants for many centuries. It helps to use fully their  potential. The theoretical base for the introduction of cultivated crops from one natural zone to another was elaborated by N. I. Vavilov with the using of the genetic diversity of primary and secondary genetic centers. His ideas were later developed in the works of N. A. Basilevskaja and in reference to lupin in the works of   N. A. Maisurjan, A. I. Atabecova, V. I. Golovchenko, N. F. Sanaev and others.

Duration of preservation of maize seed viability – an initial material by selection on parthenogenesis

Maize seeds using for selection on parthenogenesis, it is possible to store within 5–7 years in paper packages in usual laboratory conditions with preservation of germination that is sufficient достаточный for reproduction and even for carrying out of scientific and applied works. Different lines and hybrids could differ essentially among percent of germination. Seed germination after 10 years storage is not observed.
