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Features fenoritma Althaea officinalis l. in the Botanical garden SSU

The results of phenological observations of plant collectors marshmallow in a botanical garden of introduction section of Saratov State University. According to the results of 26-years of follow-calculated the average date of occurrence of phenological phases for the city of Saratov.

Some results of the cultivar ipomoea purpurea research while the introduction under the conditions of the Lower Volga region

There are presented the results of the climb annual lianas researches at the Botanical Garden of the Saratov State University for several years in this article. Morphometric parameters were studied: length of the metamere, number of leaves, number of shoots, flowers, the sizes of the limb and the diameter of the flower, leaf area of plants; the ratio of leaf area per unit of phytomass. Studied cultivars of ipomoea recommended for vertical gardening in the conditions of Saratov.

Introduction and reproduction of the genus Heuchera in Bashkortostan

Work is devoted to the study of phenological rhythm and seed breeding six species Heuchera L. It is shown that the highest percentage of germination was observed in H. pubescens, H. rubescens – by 80% and H. villosa – 70%, the lowest – in H. chlo-rantha – 6%. The positive responsiveness H. chlorantha, H. parvifolia, H. pubescens, H. villosa processing plant growth regulators.

Protected plant species Saratov region in the department’s collections of flora and vegetation Educational and Scientific Center «Botanical Garden»

The paper presents an annotated list of species included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Saratov region and growing in the educational and scientific center «Botanical Garden», Saratov State University. NG Chernyshevsky.

Pests of gladiolus in Saratov

Pests of gladiolus identified in the city Saratov: Melolontha melolontha L. and Taeniothrips gladioli Moris. The most dangerous of them is T. gladioli, which one inflicts significant damage to plants during the growing season as well as during storage corms. Are proposed measures to combat it in the climatic conditions of Saratov.

Morphological and biological characteristics of seeds Hypericum perforatum and H. maculatum crantz growing in the north

The results of the introduction in the North of the valuable medicinal plants – Hypericum perforatum and H. maculatum are presented. During the cultivation rhythms of growth and seasonal plant development were studied. It has been revealed that both types of plants from the second year of life regularly undergo a complete cycle of development of shoots and form seeds of full value. The quality of sowing seeds collected from plants in different years of life, weight of 1000 pieces, their size, laboratory germination have been studied in detail.

Antimicrobial effect of tallest stonecrop (Sedum telephium L.) and big stonecrop (S. maximum (L.) Hoffm.) extracts

The quantitative content of flavonoid amount in aerial part of S. telephium L. and S. maximum (L.) Hoffm. is investigated. It was respectively 3.32% and 2.42% of the absolutely dry raw material mass. Antimicrobial activity of aqueous alco- holic extract of both species on Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538Р, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27835, Escherichia coli ATCC  25922.

The content of coumarin in the grass Melilotus officinalis (Linnaeus) Pallas, growing in different districts of Saratov region

The total content of active ingredients (coumarin) in a grass of Melilotus officinalis, growing in different districts of the Saratov region which makes 0,22 – 0,71 (0,49) % was defined.

Introduction bulbous plants in the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology Komi SC of the URD RAS

To bulbous plants include representatives of the genus complexes as   Allium (except  rhizomatous  species),  LiliumNarcissusTulipaHyacinthus, etc. The greatest diversity of species in the collection fund of the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology Komi Science Center presents the genus Allium – 150 taxons. Hundreds of varieties represented generic complexes Lilium, Narcissus and Tulipa

Features seed germination of Asparagus officinalis L. in vitro

The information about laboratory education of seed germination features   of Asparagus officinalis L. is given. Seeds collected from plants collection.

Phenological rhythm and seed productivity Salvia glutinosa l. in conditions of the Botanical Garden

Summarized results of phenological observations for Salvia glutinosa L. in the conditions of the Botanic garden Saratov State University. Are the results of three years of research seed productivity Salvia glutinosa L., the installed weight of 1000 seeds.

Growth and development of english rose garden party

The article provided with the results of observations of phenological phases over 5 years. The article reflects the budding phase, the beginning of regrowth, flowering vegetation and closure.

Темпы развития Penstemon digitalis Nutt. при интродукции в Ботаническом саду Саратовского государственного университета

Изучены темпы развития Penstemon digitalis Nutt. в условиях континентального климата Нижнего Поволжья. Выделены следующие онтогенетические состояния растения: семена, проростки, ювенильные, имматурные, виргинильные и генеративные молодые.

Seed reproduction Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. and Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.

In article results of the laboratory studies Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. seeds and Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill. is reported. Installed seed productivity, weight of 1000 seeds and germinating capacity of seeds shots collected in natural populations, as well as with the collection of plants of the Botanical garden.

Indicators of seed efficieny of some genus Oenothera L. in the Republic of Bashkortostan

In article results introduction studying of 4 representatives of genus Oenothera L. are resulted from a collection of the Botanical garden-institute of the Ufa center of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Their seed efficiency is studied at cultivation in the conditions of a forest-steppe zone of Bashkir Preduralja. Prospects of use of synthetic regulators of growth for increase of seed efficiency are shown.

The preliminary results of the introduction of new varieties of onion crops in UC «Botanical Garden» SGU

In the 2013 we carried out studying of phenological indicators of species and varieties of bulbous plants to identify promising to the stability of the ecological- climatic conditions of the Lower Volga region and decorative indicators. Are presented the preliminary results of the introduction of new varieties of lilies, tulips and daffodils in the article.

Mineral nutrition of hybrid gladiolus varieties introduced in the Lower Volga region

During the introduction was developed a system of mineral nutrition of hybrid varieties of gladiolus in the Lower Volga region.

Features seed germination of Nepeta cataria L. var. citriodora Beck. in vitro

There are energy of germination and seed germination of N. cataria L. var. citriodora Beck. determined. There is influence of the retention period, of the weather of growing season, of the lower temperatures, of the augmentor studied.

Introduction Mahonia aquifolia (Pursh) Nutt in Saratov region and prospect of using in the gartedening

Are resulted biological and ecological features of Mahonia aquifolia. Are revealed peculiarities of growth rhythms of development, viability and prospects of species in the Saratov.

The collection of maples (Aceraceae Juss.) in E.S.C. «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University

The data about species composition of maples (Aceraceae Juss.) in the collection of E. S.C. «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University is brought.
