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Bludneva E. A., Kritskaya T. A., Kashin A. S. The use of clonal micropropagation for mass prodaction of planting material of ornamental and fruit crops in the Botanical garden of Saratov State University. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2013, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 119-?.

581.163 + 582.623.2

The use of clonal micropropagation for mass prodaction of planting material of ornamental and fruit crops in the Botanical garden of Saratov State University


There are 29 varieties of 14 species of 3 families introduced in the in vitro culture. It is optimized conditions of the sterilization of the explants, the composition of the culture media at the stages of explantation, microreproduction and rooting for the each varieties/species of plants. The generation of planting material of this forms of plants brought to the stage to the making a small series prodaction.


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