
Features of germination of seeds of the bennet aleppsky in vitro

It is established that bennet seeds keep ability to germination within 6,5 years. After a bookmark on seeds start to sprout on the average in 8 days (fresh faster,      old more slowly). Term of the account of energy of germination should be accepted  for 3 days. Duration of germination fluctuates from 3 days (at fresh seeds) to 50 (at old). Energy of germination and germination are maximum (100 %) at fresh seeds. Gradually decreasing with increase in a period of storage in 4,5 years vigor of germination, and later 7,5 years and germination vanishes.

Emergence of seeds of dsecorative species of Salvia L. GTNUS

Emergence of seeds of decorative species of Salvia L. genius. Popular decorative annual plants as S. splendens, S. coccinea, S. farinacea, S. viridis are grown at the Saratov Botanical Garden`s collection since 2001 year. The dates that are used for the characterization of the quality of seeds are: germination capacity, energy of growth, the speed of emergence, also the strength, swelling and emergence of seeds. That are depends on the kind of species. Germinate`s development goes rapidly after 4 days.

Characteristics of reproductive features Hedysarum grandiflorum (Fabaceae) in southern of the Volga Uplands

In field seasons 2007–2014 studies have been conducted reproductive scope Hedysarum grandiflorum which grows in the southern of the Volga Upland within the administrative borders of the Saratov region. The features, variability and the plasticity of phytocoenotic external morphological characters of pollen, fruits and seeds of sweetvetch are studied. Potential and real seed productivity are identified. The optimal temperature of sprouting of seeds and the dependence of sprouting and energy of sprouting of seeds from the keeping period are detected.