
Introduction of sweet (vegetable) corn in the Lower Volga rеgion

The article presents the results of sweet corn research in the  Lower  Volga region, sample grades that differ in useful economic properties and also article shows description of the sorts which are accept to usage.

Winter hardiness of representatives of Hydrangea L. genus Botanical garten-institute of Ufa

The results of many years observations on winter hardiness of 19 introduced species and cultivars of Hydrangea L. in collection of Botanical Garden - Institute are presented in the paper. It is determined that 14 taxons are characterized by high winter hardiness and may be successfully used in landscaping under the conditions of Bashkir Cis-Urals (Ufa).

Rosa hybrida diseases in Lower Volga the control measures of them

There are the results of the disease’s development examination for the collection of roses at the climatic conditions development examination for the collections of roses at the climatic conditions of Lower Volga region in the article. The measures of disease’s cancellation are offered.