
Features of germination of the seeds of Betonica officinalis (L.) Kuntze in the laboratory

Приводятся результаты лабораторных исследований всхожести семян Betonica officinalis (L.) Kuntze. Семена собирались в 1994 − 2011 годы с коллекционных растений, интродуцированных в Ботаническом саду Саратовского государственного университета. Контрольную партию семян проращивали при комнатной температуре (22 − 25°С) на свету.

Features of seed germination Bulbocodium versicolor in the laboratory

Для семи ценопопуляций Bulbocodium versicolor (Ker-Gawl.) Spreng. из Красноармейского, Татищевского, Энгельсского, Ровенского, Саратовского и Балашовского р-нов Саратовской обл. и Жирновского р-на Волгоградской обл. определены: семенная продуктивность, масса 1000 шт. семян, всхожесть семян в лабораторных условиях. Потенциальная продуктивность одного плода составила 16 − 27 семязачатков. Реальная продуктивность достигала 61 − 95 %, или 11 − 24 семени в плоде. Масса 1000 шт. семян колебалась от 5.43 до 8.74 г. Семена двух образцов не проросли.

Features of germination of seeds of the bennet aleppsky in vitro

It is established that bennet seeds keep ability to germination within 6,5 years. After a bookmark on seeds start to sprout on the average in 8 days (fresh faster,      old more slowly). Term of the account of energy of germination should be accepted  for 3 days. Duration of germination fluctuates from 3 days (at fresh seeds) to 50 (at old). Energy of germination and germination are maximum (100 %) at fresh seeds. Gradually decreasing with increase in a period of storage in 4,5 years vigor of germination, and later 7,5 years and germination vanishes.

Features of seed germination of Salvia tesquicola Klok. & Pobed in vitro

Results the data of laboratory studies of seed germination characteristics of Salvia tesquicola. Seeds was taken from collectional plants. Was found that the seeds germinated very slowly, meaning of germination was low and amounted the 22-24% for seeds from one to 6.5 years storage. With increasing of storage time to 8,5 years the meaning of germination reduced to 1%, and further seeds losed their ability to germinate. Seeds germinated in 5 days. The duration of the germination average was 6 days. Seed treatment by oxygen produced no results.

Features seed germination of Asparagus officinalis L. in vitro

The information about laboratory education of seed germination features   of Asparagus officinalis L. is given. Seeds collected from plants collection.

Features of seed germination of two species Agastache (Lamiaceae Lindl.) under laboratory conditions

The article presents the results of the laboratory experiments on seed germination of two species of the genus Agastache J. Clayton ex Gronov. obtained from the collection of plants in the Botanical garden of the Saratov State University.


Features of seed reproduction of Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr. in natural populations

It was found that real seed productivity of Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr. in natural populations of the Saratov region is up to 82%. Seed germination under laboratory conditions is rather high (93–100%), however, the damaging effect of phytophagous insects has a negative impact on seed regeneration in some populations.