Саратовская область

The collection of maples (Aceraceae Juss.) in E.S.C. «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University

The data about species composition of maples (Aceraceae Juss.) in the collection of E. S.C. «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University is brought.

About some sites of the Left bank of the Saratov region interesting in the botanical relation, offered to inclusion in the regional network of especially protected natural territories

Data on 8 sites of natural vegetation found in the Left bank of the Saratov region are provided. It is offered to include these sites in system of especially protected natural territories of the region.

Bioecological analysis of ruderalis fraction of the flora of some fallow lands of Engel’s district of Saratov region

The article presents the results of bioecological analysis of ruderalis fraction of flora on the uneven fallow lands located on the territory of Engel’s district of Saratov region.

Astragalus physoides L. location in «Saratovsky» State natural preserve

We would like to concentrate our attention on location of Astragalus physodes L. on the territory State natural preserve «Saratovsky» in the paper.

To the question of Mentha micrantha (Benth.) Litv growth in the territory of the Saratov region

The data about the contemporary location of Mentha micrantha (Benth.) Litv. on the territory of Saratov Region is given herein.

About a contemporary location of felty germander on the territory of Saratov region

The data about the contemporary location of Teucrium polium L. on the terri­tory of Saratov Region is given herein.





The content of coumarin in the grass Melilotus officinalis (Linnaeus) Pallas, growing in different districts of Saratov region

The total content of active ingredients (coumarin) in a grass of Melilotus officinalis, growing in different districts of the Saratov region which makes 0,22 – 0,71 (0,49) % was defined.

Distribution of broomrape qom and blednocvetkovoj in crops of sunflower broomrape and related weeds in the Saratov region

The review of a condition of a problem in the last century is resulted. The distributions broomrape in the Saratov area for last 12 years on sunflower and weeds in sunflower crops was is studied. The dependence of widespread and intensity of severity broomrape from structure of areas under crops and expansion  of its racial and specific structure is shown.

The diversity of the steppes of the Southern part of the Right bank of Saratov region

The features of the steppe vegetation in the southern part of the right bank of Saratov region. Studied and described the types of steppes and variations found on the site, showing their floristic composition and cenoticheskoe variety.

The comparative characteristic of flora of some fallow lands of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region

The  article  presents  comparative  characteristics  of  some  fallow  lands   of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region. It contains the taxonomy, biomorphological and phytocenotic characteristics of the flora deposits. Besides it Indicates the types of plants found on fallow lands in Tatishevo and Engels districts of the Saratov region and those ones which are not listed in the abstract of flora of Saratov region.
