Cite this article as:

Shevchenko E. N., Sergeeva I. V., Kirillova N. A., Alyaeva . P. The comparative characteristic of flora of some fallow lands of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2014, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 34-?.

581.93 (470.4)

The comparative characteristic of flora of some fallow lands of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region


The  article  presents  comparative  characteristics  of  some  fallow  lands   of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region. It contains the taxonomy, biomorphological and phytocenotic characteristics of the flora deposits. Besides it Indicates the types of plants found on fallow lands in Tatishevo and Engels districts of the Saratov region and those ones which are not listed in the abstract of flora of Saratov region.


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