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Microevolution of elements productivity of shoot spring soft wheat of the saratov selection

The structure of elements of efficiency of runaway of summer soft wheat of the different grades created from the beginning of the XX-th century is analysed. Various tendencies in development of length of a stalk, number of spikelets and kernels an ear, weight kernels are revealed.

Specific features of pigment distribution on spring wheat metamers

Studied the content of pigments and their distribution in seedlings of spring wheat in rainfed conditions. Changes in the quality and quantity of pigments in the zones of the body indicate the specificity of their growth activity. Comparative analysis of different pigments metameres suggests different physiological maturity subsystems each metamer.

The comparative characteristic of growth and development of some varieties spring wheat seedlings

The article presents a comparative description of the growth and development of seedlings of some varieties of spring wheat. To study the growth and development of seedlings used indicators such as the mass of the root system, the mass shoot, the root-maintenance. The results can be used in practical breeding.

Features of the development of root system spring wheat seedlings

Some features of the development of the root system of spring wheat seedlings were studied. Varietal differences in the length of the main embryonic root length of the zone division and extension have been installed. The study can be used in practical plant breeding.

Improving the efficiency of Allium regelianum A. Becker clonal micropropagation

An effective protocol for clonal micropropagation of Allium regelianum was optimized, including three following steps. In the first step bulbs-donors of explants were obtained from ripe seeds; in the second step – propagation under effects of exogenous cytokinins; and in the third step – final bulblets formation on the hormone-free medium. The second and the third steps may be repeated more than once. The importance of apex destruction for micropropagation was demonstrated.

The influence of rootstock on the growth and development of the shoot part yearlings saplings pear

The paper presents the results of studying the influence of five local rootstocks differing life form and degree of development of the tissues of the stem, on the growth and development of the cane part yearlings pears.

Metameasured principle of system of regulation efficiency of wheat

Features ontogeny wheat and existing hypotheses of integrity of a plant are considered. It is offered new to the concept of system of regulation of efficiency of wheat on the basis of autonomy formation metameres runaway and a special role sclerenchymes in a plant life.

Application of rhizobacteria for increase in the efficiency of the spring soft wheat cultivation

The data on the effect of the pre-sowing treatment with bacteria Azospirillum brasilense on grain yield and quality of spring soft wheat plants are given. The results obtained show a positive effect of rhizobacteria on yield under stress conditions of vegetation, with pre-sowing does not adversely affect the quality of the grain.

Influence of osmotic stress on wheat seedlings development

The growth reaction and pigments amount in wheat seedlingsunder water deficit modeling osmotic stress was studied. An environmental increasing of osmotic stress is an inductor of pigment systems changes. The pigment systems sensitivity depends on the type of pigments. The data observed in the experiment can be useful for early diagnosticpotential resistancevarieties to water deficit.


Cultivare features of development of envelopes kernel of the winter wheat

Experimental data on a thickness of envelope kernels in different years of vegetation of plants, to parametres and dynamics of development of cross cells pericarp seeds of grades of a winter wheat are resulted.

Influence of spectral structure of light on development kernel of summer soft wheat

Experimental data on influence of light of various quality on formation kernels wheat during the period embryogenesis are resulted. Linear parametres of development of separate structures kernel in various conditions of vegetation of plants are established.

Features of morphogeny of structural elements of immature embryos of lines wheat, cultivated in vitro

The paper presents the results of a study of the structural elements of morphogenesis of immature embryos of two nursing wheat lines cultured in vitro on agar medium containing lipopolysaccharide.

The structure mesophyll of the plate leaves of wheat

A variety of spending bunches of a plate of leaves is noted. Two facings had some bunches. In cells of an external facing are noted хлоропласты. Cells of an internal facing are presented by fibres sclerenchyma, having a kernel and plasmodesms. In mesophylle plates of leaves it is allocated 11 type cells. In the top leaves a variety of types of cells decreases, and the share of cells with the expressed meshy form increases.

Morphogenetic variability of the organization of structure of the leaf at damage various gaul the inducing organisms

Investigated features of variability of the structural organization of leaves of wood plants at damage by their gaul the inducing invertebrates.

Morfologo-anatomic aspects of development internodes and nodesof phytomersof shoot wheat

The description and parametres of development of cellsintemodes and nodes the fifth phytomer of shootof spring wheat is presented. Phytomerous distinctions intemodes a stem on length, a thickness of a wall, diameter of a pith are established. In ontogeny shootwheat the natural sequence of development of mechanical, vascular and epidermaltissuesinternode a stem is observed.

Influence of the microorganisms allocated from gaul Cuscuta campestris Yunck. and larvae sort Smicronyx Schönh., on vegetative tests-objects

For the first time results of influence of the microorganisms allocated from gaul Cuscuta campestris Yunck. at defeats weevil and larvae of bugs from sort Smicronyx Schönh. are submitted, by means of vegetative tests- objects.

Features distribution of plants in wheat agropopulation on classes of the variation of elements efficiency of the ear

Vegetation conditions essentially affect distribution of plants in agropopulation of durum wheat on classes of a variation number of spikelets, quantities kernels an  ear and their weight. Among cultivars of the Saratov selection in the conditions of extreme year on agroclimatic conditions it is characteristic various number of plants: to age–old cultivars – the small classes, to new cultivars – the big classes of a variation. Favorable agroclimatic conditions raise number of the plants carried to higher classes of a variation of elements of efficiency of an ear.

Structure and the maintenance of pigments of photosynthesis in the plate of leaves of wheat

Features in the maintenance of pigments of various groups (chlorophyll а and chlorophyll b, carotenoids), as well as parities between them in the leaves of wheat belonging to different phytomerous of shoot are established. The minimum or maximum maintenance of chlorophyll and carotenoids can be observed in various leaves that depends on conditions of vegetation of plants.

Количество хлоропластов в первом листе проростков пшеницы

В статье представлены результаты анализа встречаемости хлоропластов у 5 сортов мягкой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) и 2 сортов твердой пшеницы (Triticum durum Desf.).

Биотестирование гетероциклических синтетических соединений некоторыми растительными объектами

Впервые представлены результаты биотестирования новых гетероциклических синтетических соединений: 2-имино-4,6-дифенил-4-фенацил-1,3-дигидро-тиазин; 2-имино-4,6-дифенил-4-фенацил-2,3,4,5-тетрагидропиримидин; 4,6-дифенил-4-фенацил-2,3,4,5-тетрагидро-1,3-пиримидинон-2. Тест-объектами служили зародышевые корни и первый лист проростков пшеницы яровой и меристематические ткани в зоне деления корней лука посевного.
