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Shevchenko E. N., Sergeeva I. V., Ponomareva A. L., Dauletov M. A., Motavkina S. S. Characteristic of the flora of forest park «Lesnoi» in Engels, Saratov region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 19-?.


Characteristic of the flora of forest park «Lesnoi» in Engels, Saratov region


The article presents data on the study of the flora of forest Park «Lesnoi» of Engels in Saratov region. It describes the taxonomic structure of the flora. It shows the dominant in number of species families: Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Poaceae. It gives biomorphological characteristics to establish the dominance of annual or perennial herbaceous plants and trees. The characteristic of life forms according to the classification of K. Raunkier is given. It reveals the predominance of phytocenotic structure of flora ruderanty and pratanty. It defines ecological structure of the flora of forest Park. It is established that the greatest diversity in flora presents mesophytae which is typical for the forest-grassland plant communities. In relation to the nutrient status and salt regime of soils in the flora of forest Park the main part of their species is mezotrofy. Adventive plants in the flora of the Park, including 27 species, are singled out. Rare plant species Iris sibirica L., Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz., Dianthus pratensis Bieb listed in the Red book of the Saratov region are identified.


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