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Family Zygophyllaceae ssl. in the herbarium of Educational and Scientific centre «Botanical garden» of Saratov State Univercity (SARBG)

The results of the inventory and determining fees of Zygophyllaceae family in the herbarium of Educational and Scientific center «Botanical Garden» of Saratov State University is given in the article.

The comparative characteristic of flora of some fallow lands of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region

The  article  presents  comparative  characteristics  of  some  fallow  lands   of the Left and Right Bank of the Saratov region. It contains the taxonomy, biomorphological and phytocenotic characteristics of the flora deposits. Besides it Indicates the types of plants found on fallow lands in Tatishevo and Engels districts of the Saratov region and those ones which are not listed in the abstract of flora of Saratov region.

Materials for the flora of the residential areas of Grozny

Presents a preliminary list of species of vascular plants of the flora of the city of Grozny.


About a contemporary location of felty germander on the territory of Saratov region

The data about the contemporary location of Teucrium polium L. on the terri­tory of Saratov Region is given herein.





To the question of Mentha micrantha (Benth.) Litv growth in the territory of the Saratov region

The data about the contemporary location of Mentha micrantha (Benth.) Litv. on the territory of Saratov Region is given herein.

Proposals for establishment of genetic reserves of Juniperus communis L. and J. sabina L. in the South Urals

It is suggested that genetic reserves intended on preservation of the most valuable gene pool of plant species may be established as botanical nature monuments. Two genetic reserves in populations of Juniperus communis L are recommended for establishment. in the South Urals (in Bashkir Cis-Uralian and Mountain South- Uralian populations). In J. sabina L. presented in the region as single population, two genetic reserves are also proposed (in mountain and in Trans-Uralian steppe parts of population).

Some features of flora of reservoirs of Engelssky of the forest area of the Saratov region

Are submitted data on research of flora of reservoirs in a neighborhood of the city of Engels of the Saratov region. It is defined taxonomical, biomorphological, ekologo-fitotsenotichesky structures of flora of reservoirs. The rare species of flora included in the Red List of the Saratov region are revealed.

Astragalus physoides L. location in «Saratovsky» State natural preserve

We would like to concentrate our attention on location of Astragalus physodes L. on the territory State natural preserve «Saratovsky» in the paper.

Bioecological analysis of ruderalis fraction of the flora of some fallow lands of Engel’s district of Saratov region

The article presents the results of bioecological analysis of ruderalis fraction of flora on the uneven fallow lands located on the territory of Engel’s district of Saratov region.

About some sites of the Left bank of the Saratov region interesting in the botanical relation, offered to inclusion in the regional network of especially protected natural territories

Data on 8 sites of natural vegetation found in the Left bank of the Saratov region are provided. It is offered to include these sites in system of especially protected natural territories of the region.

Об электронной базе данных по распространению представителей рода Rosa L. (Rosaceae Adans.) в Средней России

Сообщается об электронной базе данных распространения представителей рода Rosa L. Она включает информацию о распространении 17 видов шиповников.

About a new location of californian cocklebur on the territory of Saratov region

It is reported about a new find of Californian cocklebur on the territory of Saratov Region.

About dermination of dark-winged orchis on the territory of Saratov region

It is reported about a new find of dark–winged orchic on the territory of National Park «Hvalynsky».

New floristic finds in Saratov region

New information about new floristic finds on the territory of Saratov Region is given.

About some species in flora of a nature sanctuary «The Lake Rasskazan» not noted for balashovsky area in the new list of Saratov region flora

About some kinds of flora of a nature sanctuary of flora of a nature sanctuary «Lake Rasskazan» of a nature sanctuary «the Lake Rasskazan», not noted for Balashovsky area in the new abstract of flora of the Saratov region.

About the study of spreading of Thymus cimicinus Blum ex Ledeb. (Lamiaceae, Magnoliophita) on the territory of Saratov region

New information about spreading of Thymus cimicinus Blum ex Ledeb. on the territory of Saratov Region is given.

About a big population of ethiopian sage on the territory, situatedon the right bank of Saratov region

It is reported about a the find of a big population of Ethiopian sage on the territory, situated on the right bank of Saratov Region.

About species of vascular plants, not gathering from territory of National Park «Hvalynsky» more than fifty years

Data on species of plant last time gathering with territory NP «Hvalynsky» more 50 years ago are resulted.

Some new information about the flora of western districts of Saratov region

Floristic exploration in the forest steppe zone which is situated in the range of western districts of Safatov Region has allowed to educe rare new indigenous species. New location of adventives plants educed only in the last decade are given.
