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Anikin V. V. The host-plant relationships of casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Сoleophoridae) in family Polygonaceae on the territory of Volga-Ural Region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 31-?.


The host-plant relationships of casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Сoleophoridae) in family Polygonaceae on the territory of Volga-Ural Region


Presented the taxa distribution of the family Polygonaceae species and the casebearer moths (Coleophoridae) on the basis of their host-plant relationships from the territory of the Volga-Ural region. In total were noted 8 species of casebearers with specialization on Polygonaceae. For buckwheat is noted the unique fauna of Coleophoridae which are mostly narrow oligophages, basically is based by tribe Augasmini (genus Augasma, Papyrosipha and Dumitrescumia). The casebearer moths from genus Ecebalia (tribe Casignetellini) for buckwheat − secondary.


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Anikin V. V., Dyomin A. G., Knushevitskaya M. V. Phylogeny and taxonomy of casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) based on morphological and molecular genetic data. 2. Reconstruction of divergence time for major taxa of Coleophoridae based on COI gene variability // Entomol. Rev. 2016. Vol. 96, № 2. P. 137−143.

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