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Phytocenoses Gratíola officinális L., productivity and its inventories of raw materials in the islands Chardymskogo r. Volga Saratov region

Gratíola officinális L. – new promising herb for the pharmaceutical industry. Abstract phytocenoses Gratíola officinális and assess yields and stocks of its raw materials on the island Chardymskogo p. Volga region of Saratov. The average number of species in a community phytocenosis − 17. In the studied phytocenosis dominate Galium album and Carex cespitosa var. Minuta L. The average value of the yield on the areas of accounting 143.5 ± 42.3%; industrial supply of raw materials − 959.4 g; the volume of possible annual harvesting − 191.9 g.