семенное размножение

Features of germination of the seeds of Betonica officinalis (L.) Kuntze in the laboratory

Приводятся результаты лабораторных исследований всхожести семян Betonica officinalis (L.) Kuntze. Семена собирались в 1994 − 2011 годы с коллекционных растений, интродуцированных в Ботаническом саду Саратовского государственного университета. Контрольную партию семян проращивали при комнатной температуре (22 − 25°С) на свету.

Introduction and reproduction of the genus Heuchera in Bashkortostan

Work is devoted to the study of phenological rhythm and seed breeding six species Heuchera L. It is shown that the highest percentage of germination was observed in H. pubescens, H. rubescens – by 80% and H. villosa – 70%, the lowest – in H. chlo-rantha – 6%. The positive responsiveness H. chlorantha, H. parvifolia, H. pubescens, H. villosa processing plant growth regulators.

Reproduction of the rare endemic species Oxytropis hippolyti Boriss. (Fabaceae) by means of seedling under the conditions of introduction

The article presents the data on seed reproduction by means of seedling of a rare endemic species Oxytropis hippolyti Boriss. in the Botanical garden (Ufa).

Characteristics of reproductive features Hedysarum grandiflorum (Fabaceae) in southern of the Volga Uplands

In field seasons 2007–2014 studies have been conducted reproductive scope Hedysarum grandiflorum which grows in the southern of the Volga Upland within the administrative borders of the Saratov region. The features, variability and the plasticity of phytocoenotic external morphological characters of pollen, fruits and seeds of sweetvetch are studied. Potential and real seed productivity are identified. The optimal temperature of sprouting of seeds and the dependence of sprouting and energy of sprouting of seeds from the keeping period are detected.