Saratov region

The location of Bulbocodium versicolor in Saratov region about

The article presents information on the location  Bulbocodium versicolor in the Saratov region (used literature data, the authors of their own fees and charges that are stored in the Herbarium SARBG and SARAT).

Family Chenopodiaceae in the «Summary of the Saratov region flora»

The comments and additions to the family Chenopodiaceae in the «Summary of the Saratov region flora» (2008) are provides.

Introduction experience of coral tree ( Howenia dultis Thunb.) in the open ground in Saratov region

The article presents the first experience of introduction of coral tree (Howenia dultis Thunb) in the open ground in the Saratov region.

To the problem of growth of Hierochloë odorata (L.) Wahl. (Poaceae) in Saratov region

The article presents information on the presence of Hierochloë odorata (L.) Wahl., Poaceae, in the Saratov region. The place of its growth in this region is described. The phenological and reproductive characteristics of studied population are given.

On identification of some species of flowering plants on the territory of the Saratov region

The objection is raised against the distortion by Bulany, Y. I. (2015) of the history of the study of vegetation in the Saratov region.

Characteristics of reproductive features Hedysarum grandiflorum (Fabaceae) in southern of the Volga Uplands

In field seasons 2007–2014 studies have been conducted reproductive scope Hedysarum grandiflorum which grows in the southern of the Volga Upland within the administrative borders of the Saratov region. The features, variability and the plasticity of phytocoenotic external morphological characters of pollen, fruits and seeds of sweetvetch are studied. Potential and real seed productivity are identified. The optimal temperature of sprouting of seeds and the dependence of sprouting and energy of sprouting of seeds from the keeping period are detected.

Characteristic of the flora of forest park «Lesnoi» in Engels, Saratov region

The article presents data on the study of the flora of forest Park «Lesnoi» of Engels in Saratov region. It describes the taxonomic structure of the flora. It shows the dominant in number of species families: Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Poaceae. It gives biomorphological characteristics to establish the dominance of annual or perennial herbaceous plants and trees. The characteristic of life forms according to the classification of K. Raunkier is given. It reveals the predominance of phytocenotic structure of flora ruderanty and pratanty.
