редкий вид

Syntaxonomic position of phytocenoses with participation of Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall. in the Southern part of Volga upland

Studied in detail of 23 phytocenoses with the participation of Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall., located in the southern part of the Volga Upland in the administrative borders of the Saratov region. The study was conducted in 2007 – 2018. It was laid more than 600 accounting platforms. A phytocenotic diversity of communities with participation of H. grandiflorum in the southern part of Volga Upland. The studied phytocenoses are confined to the communities of petrophytic and fescue-feather-grass steppes. Three unranked communities have been identified.

Rare species of vascular plants in the Boar of Bredinsky district (Chelya￾binsk region)

Дано краткое описание флоры и растительности особо охраняемой территории Брединского района Челябинской области – Боровской бор. Приведены сведения о находках на территории бора редких для флоры области видов, в том числе внесенных в региональную Красную книгу, дополняющие и уточняющие их распространение на Южном Урале. Подтверждена гербарным образцом находка нового для флоры области вида.

Finding morel steppe – Morchella stepicola Zer. in Aleksandrov-gai district of Saratov Province

The finding of Morel steppe in the South-East of Saratov region is given. This is a new point of distribution of regional red data book species on the territory of the region.

Reproduction of the rare endemic species Oxytropis hippolyti Boriss. (Fabaceae) by means of seedling under the conditions of introduction

The article presents the data on seed reproduction by means of seedling of a rare endemic species Oxytropis hippolyti Boriss. in the Botanical garden (Ufa).

The study of seed productivity of Allium hymenorhizum Ledeb. (Alliaceae) in culture in the Republic of Bashkortostan

The article describes the seed productivity of rare relict spe-cies Allium hymenorhizum (Alliaceae) in culture in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The potential possibilities of seeds formation are realized on 17,7–40,1 %. The correlation between the basic parameters of seed productivity and the year of obtaining seeds and the origin of the sample is established.