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Influence of osmotic stress on wheat seedlings development

The growth reaction and pigments amount in wheat seedlingsunder water deficit modeling osmotic stress was studied. An environmental increasing of osmotic stress is an inductor of pigment systems changes. The pigment systems sensitivity depends on the type of pigments. The data observed in the experiment can be useful for early diagnosticpotential resistancevarieties to water deficit.


Metameasured principle of system of regulation efficiency of wheat

Features ontogeny wheat and existing hypotheses of integrity of a plant are considered. It is offered new to the concept of system of regulation of efficiency of wheat on the basis of autonomy formation metameres runaway and a special role sclerenchymes in a plant life.

Specific features of pigment distribution on spring wheat metamers

Studied the content of pigments and their distribution in seedlings of spring wheat in rainfed conditions. Changes in the quality and quantity of pigments in the zones of the body indicate the specificity of their growth activity. Comparative analysis of different pigments metameres suggests different physiological maturity subsystems each metamer.

Microevolution of elements productivity of shoot spring soft wheat of the saratov selection

The structure of elements of efficiency of runaway of summer soft wheat of the different grades created from the beginning of the XX-th century is analysed. Various tendencies in development of length of a stalk, number of spikelets and kernels an ear, weight kernels are revealed.

Integration of morphogenesis of shoot and root system of seedlings of wheat

The article studies the features of morphogenesis of wheat seedlings, the maintenance of pigments of photosynthesis at presence and absence of light, as well as at the removal of the main and additional germinal roots and shoot.
