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The spectral characteristics of the tissue seedlings of rye

An in vivo cytophotometric method was used to study the spectral characteristics of coleoptile tissue and a leaf of two-day seedlings of winter rye. The optical density of axial transmittance of light in the visible region of the spectrum by parenchyma and tissues of conducting beams in seedlings grown in light and in complete darkness was estimated. It was revealed that under conditions of etiolation all the studied tissues had minimal average values of optical density in the visible part of the spectrum as compared to those during germination under illumination conditions.


As objects of research were used plants of winter rye at the time of flowering samples collected from nursery trials control scientific research Institute of agriculture of the South-East: district grade – Talovskaya 41, Radon, Snezana, Bezenchukskaya 87, Memory Kunakbaeva, Chulpan 7, Roxana; Saratov (scientific research Institute of agriculture of the South-East) – Elishaevskaj, Volzhanka, Saratov 7, Marusen’ka, Memory Babicheva, Sunshine. The length of the leaf blade and vagina and the leaf blade area were determined.

Structure and the maintenance of pigments of photosynthesis in the plate of leaves of wheat

Features in the maintenance of pigments of various groups (chlorophyll а and chlorophyll b, carotenoids), as well as parities between them in the leaves of wheat belonging to different phytomerous of shoot are established. The minimum or maximum maintenance of chlorophyll and carotenoids can be observed in various leaves that depends on conditions of vegetation of plants.

Morphogenetic variability of the organization of structure of the leaf at damage various gaul the inducing organisms

Investigated features of variability of the structural organization of leaves of wood plants at damage by their gaul the inducing invertebrates.

The structure mesophyll of the plate leaves of wheat

A variety of spending bunches of a plate of leaves is noted. Two facings had some bunches. In cells of an external facing are noted хлоропласты. Cells of an internal facing are presented by fibres sclerenchyma, having a kernel and plasmodesms. In mesophylle plates of leaves it is allocated 11 type cells. In the top leaves a variety of types of cells decreases, and the share of cells with the expressed meshy form increases.

Influence of spectral structure of light on development kernel of summer soft wheat

Experimental data on influence of light of various quality on formation kernels wheat during the period embryogenesis are resulted. Linear parametres of development of separate structures kernel in various conditions of vegetation of plants are established.