
Emergence of seeds of dsecorative species of Salvia L. GTNUS

Emergence of seeds of decorative species of Salvia L. genius. Popular decorative annual plants as S. splendens, S. coccinea, S. farinacea, S. viridis are grown at the Saratov Botanical Garden`s collection since 2001 year. The dates that are used for the characterization of the quality of seeds are: germination capacity, energy of growth, the speed of emergence, also the strength, swelling and emergence of seeds. That are depends on the kind of species. Germinate`s development goes rapidly after 4 days.

Features of seed germination of two species Agastache (Lamiaceae Lindl.) under laboratory conditions

The article presents the results of the laboratory experiments on seed germination of two species of the genus Agastache J. Clayton ex Gronov. obtained from the collection of plants in the Botanical garden of the Saratov State University.


Features of seed reproduction of Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr. in natural populations

It was found that real seed productivity of Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr. in natural populations of the Saratov region is up to 82%. Seed germination under laboratory conditions is rather high (93–100%), however, the damaging effect of phytophagous insects has a negative impact on seed regeneration in some populations.