
Study of growth indicators corms hybrid gladiolus

Change in the diameter of gladiolus corns hybrid - increase - is considered an important indicator of varieties, reflecting the ability to quickly obtain high- quality planting material. Was a defined resizing corm into one growing season, the ratio of height to the diameter of corms.

Mineral nutrition of hybrid gladiolus varieties introduced in the Lower Volga region

During the introduction was developed a system of mineral nutrition of hybrid varieties of gladiolus in the Lower Volga region.

Pests of gladiolus in Saratov

Pests of gladiolus identified in the city Saratov: Melolontha melolontha L. and Taeniothrips gladioli Moris. The most dangerous of them is T. gladioli, which one inflicts significant damage to plants during the growing season as well as during storage corms. Are proposed measures to combat it in the climatic conditions of Saratov.