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Kaybeleva E. I., Kurennaya T. E., Yudakova O. I. The effect of photoperiod on the manifestation of apomixis in Poa pratensis L. . Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 71-?.
The effect of photoperiod on the manifestation of apomixis in Poa pratensis L.
The article presents the results of study the effect of the light day duration on the embryological features of apomixis in Poa pratensis L. (Poaceae). The plants were grown under different day length (15 (control), 10 and 24 hours). The some embryological characteristics (frequency of ovules with a few embryo sacs, frequency of the parthenogenetic proembryo and a frequency and range of the gametophyte anomalies) were analyzed. It was found that the photoperiod provided the most influence on the induction of the egg cells to parthenogenesis as compared to other embryological characteristics. The earlier induction of egg cells to parthenogenetic development was observed with increasing duration of photoperiod compared with the control. At the same time, the photoperiod did not change the number of aposporous initials.
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