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Gutorova O. V. Pollen quality and peculiarities of male gametophyte structure in haploinducing corn lines and their hybrids. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 62-?.
Pollen quality and peculiarities of male gametophyte structure in haploinducing corn lines and their hybrids
One of the methods of haploidy experimental induction in corn is pollination of haploinducing lines plants pollen. Creation of such lines is a long and laborious process, which intensification could be promoted by knowledge of indirect diagnostic features of haploid induction ability. For the purpose to find a such features comparative cytoembryological analysis of pollen quality and male gametophyte structural features of haploinducing lines (ZMS-8, ZMS-P, KMS), F1 hybrids (ZMgl×ZMS-P, ZMgl×ZMS-8, КМ×КМS, KM×ZMS-8, ZMS-P×KMS) and the lines unable to haploid induction (KM, ZMgl) was carried out. Significant differences between the studied lines on pollen quality, their morphological and morphometric characteristics are not revealed. The single feature, specific to haploid inductor, is development of slight percent of very small pollen in anthers.
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