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Kargatova А. М., . ., Ermolaeva Т. Y., Nuzhdina N. N. Cultivar features of morphogenesis of winter rye seedlings. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 106-?.

633.14: 581.4

Cultivar features of morphogenesis of winter rye seedlings


The article analyses the adjusting to the temperature fluctuations of the shoot and root system of seedlings of the winter rye in terms of biomass gain. The most substantial biomass gain is found in shoots of seedlings. It is stated that the rate of root/shoot supply of rye seedlings depends on temperature. At lower temperatures the root supply rate increases. Rye cultivars differ in terms of length of growth zone of germinal roots.


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