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Durnova N. A., Sheremetyeva А. S., Tyapkina D. А. STUDY THE EFFECT OF EXTRACTUM ALOES FLUIDUM ON THE MITOTIC ACTIVITY OF CELLS USING THE ALLIUM TEST. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 3-?. DOI:




The evaluation of the cytogenetic action of aloe extract liquid (Еxtractum Аloes fluidum) in a concentration range of 250−4000 mg/l in meristem cells of onion roots (Allium cepa L.) was carried out. The dynamics of onion root growth and mitotic activity index were taken into account. Analysis of preparations of A. сepa root cells after exposure to aloe extracts of different concentrations with respect to negative (distilled water) and positive (dioxidine 100 mg/l) control showed statistically relible (p<0.05) inverse dependence of root growth and mitotic index on concentration. Aloe extract liquid inhibits the mitotic activity of cells (p<0.05) at concentrations of 500 mg/l, 1000 mg/l, 2000 mg/l, 4000 mg/l, compared with a negative control are shown. The maximum concentration of the extract showed inhibition of mitotic activity stronger (p<0.05) than positive control. Aloe extract stimulated mitosis in comparison with negative control at the impact on the roots of A. cepa investigated the minimum concentration of 250 mg/l. Aloe liquid has opposite properties: the extract demonstrated mitosis stimulating properties at the minimum test concentration (250 mg/l), and in others (500−4000 mg/l) – inhibited mitotic activity as a result of the experiment revealed.


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