
Новые сорта амаранта

Приведены краткие сведения по истории интродукции амаранта и изложено авторское описание новых сортов.

Опыт выращивания плюща крымского (Hedera taurica Carr.) в открытом грунте в окрестностях Саратова

Сообщается о первом положительном опыте выращивания плюща крымского (Hedera taurica Carr.) в открытом грунте на территории Саратовской области. Приводятся  данные  о  морозостойкости  и  интенсивности  роста  побегов  этого  вида  в окрестностях г. Саратова за пять лет. По результатам испытания п. крымский рекомендуется для широкого внедрения в озеленение открытого грунта г. Саратова и других районов области в качестве почвопокровного растения.



Amaranth introduction in the Lover Volga region

The estimation of samples of an amaranth varieties on duration of the interphase periods, productivity, to biochemical indicators of quality of seeds and an elevated biomass is spent. The variety samples suitable for selection for hervest quality improvement were sorted out.

The introduction оf different varieties of annual lupin to Mordovia region

People have been practicing the geographical spreading of plants for many centuries. It helps to use fully their  potential. The theoretical base for the introduction of cultivated crops from one natural zone to another was elaborated by N. I. Vavilov with the using of the genetic diversity of primary and secondary genetic centers. His ideas were later developed in the works of N. A. Basilevskaja and in reference to lupin in the works of   N. A. Maisurjan, A. I. Atabecova, V. I. Golovchenko, N. F. Sanaev and others.

Aristolochia durior Hill. in the arboretum collection of the Educational Scientific Centre «Botanical garden» of Saratov State University

New information about first results of introduction of Aristolochia durior Hill.  in the conditions of Saratov is given.

About the goldenrain tree flowering in the Botanical garden of Saratov State University

The report about the first flowering of Goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.) in the open ground in the Btanical garden of Saratov State University is made.

Natural seed regeneration of maples under the condition of introduction in Bashkir Cis-Urals

Twelve taxons of Acer L. of different geographic origin are capable to either extent natural seed self-regeneration. Such species as А. platanoides L., A. ginnala Maxim., A. campestre L. and A. tataricum L. which produce mass and mean quantity of self-seeding and regrowth can form local introduction populations.

Winter hardiness of representatives of Hydrangea L. genus Botanical garten-institute of Ufa

The results of many years observations on winter hardiness of 19 introduced species and cultivars of Hydrangea L. in collection of Botanical Garden - Institute are presented in the paper. It is determined that 14 taxons are characterized by high winter hardiness and may be successfully used in landscaping under the conditions of Bashkir Cis-Urals (Ufa).

Preliminary results of introduction of wild plants for the aim of feed

The article contains the results on the growing and introduction of wild plants, harvested in different areas of the former Soviet Union. These plants were examined for the improvement of hayfields, pastures and battered agricultural lands. The preliminary conclusion is that plants tested have the economical significance.

First results of western plain (Platanus occidentalis L.) introduction in Saratov region

The data about the first results of western plane (Platanus occidentalis L.) introduction in Saratov region is given.
